Workshop | overview conferences | 2006: Preparing the Next Phase of European Cooperation in Spatial Research,
(Dresden, Germany, 14-16 December 2006)
The present members agreed to establish thematic working groups on the issues of:
Urban and metropolitan governance
Knowledge society and regional competitiveness
Cross-border spatial development and planning
The new charter was discussed and finally adopted unanimously.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Müller, Prof. Dr. Borislav Stojkov and Prof. Dr. Maros Finka were elected as spokespersons.
The network secretariat will be run jointly by Spectra Bratislava and IOER Dresden for the next two years (2007-2008). Dr. Matej Jasso from Spectra and Dr. Markus Leibenath from IOER will act as network coordinators.
The next conference will be held in Budapest upon invitation of the VATI institute either on 2-4 or 23-25 September 2007.