Network Conference 2008 | overview conferences |
Incentives to Cross-border Cooperation
and the Role of Spatial Planning
(Brno, Czech Republic, 3-5 September 2008)
The annual conference 2008 of the Network of Spatial Research and Planning Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe "" focused on incentives to cross-border cooperation and the role of spatial planning. More than twenty researchers and planners from nine countries discussed in Brno on dimensions and networks of cross-border cooperation in spatial planning as well as on experiences in cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries. Two external referents from the Mission Opérationelle Transfrontalier (MOT, Paris) and Lviv University contributed on their perspective on cross-border cooperation. All presentations are available on
The presentations of last year’s conference on "Territorial Capital and Governance" have been elaborated and published in the Territorium Journal of the Institute for Spatial Planning, University of Belgrade, No 8 June 2008, which is now available.
Concerned joint European projects within, the members agreed to identify topics for joint research projects. Six topics were discussed in Brno: territorial capital, benchmarking cross-border cooperation, demographic change, polycentricity, disparities and diversity as well as EU integration and new challenges for planning systems. Short outlines will be elaborated on these topics and developed by interested network partners. The aim is to be well prepared with project ideas and a research groups when appropriate calls for proposals will be opened.
Relevant funding programmes for are ESPON, EU Seventh Framework Programme, INTERREG IV Central Europe and South East Europe, International Visegrad Fonds, INTERACT and URBACT. For the monitoring of these programmes different will be responsible. Ongoing information on these programmes will be provided on the network’s website.
The network is constantly growing. Prof. Dr. Karel Maier from Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture was affiliated as a new member of The next conference will take place in Bratislava on 9-11 September 2009 or alternatively on 16-18 September 2009 on the topic "Regional Diversity and Territorial Cohesion – From eliminating disparities towards using the diversity".